120 1st (Unitary, County, Metropolitan, City Region) & 2nd (District, Borough, City) tier Councils have declared a ‘Climate Emergency’. 73 of these have set a target date by 2030.
The full list is here
A Climate Emergency declaration issued by a body in authority, such as a government or local council, can be a powerful catalyst for community-wide action if paired with a clear action plan.
People expect an emergency announcement when there is a life-threatening situation, and will hesitate to take any action themselves if nobody else appears to be taking the threat seriously. Think of a fire alarm. People might initially think it is just a drill, and will ignore it if everyone else does. But as soon as someone who is considered to be a leader says the fire is indeed real and points out the safest exit to use, everyone will drop what they are doing and evacuate. Read More
For a Council to have been considered to have called a ‘Climate Emergency’, they must have used these words in a motion or Executive decision, and also have set a target date, or be considering setting one consistent with the IPCC Report of October 2018.. They must also have set up a working group, to report within a short timescale (ideally 6 months) that engages a cross section of the community. We’re seeing Citizen’s Assembly (Lancaster) being set up as part of the process.
Read our Campaign Guide to get your Council to declare a ‘Climate Emergency’. See if there is a petition to sign for your Council here. You can find details of your local Councillor here to ask them for their support. If you haven’t already switched, you can take your money out of fossil fuels by choosing a supplier that offers 100% renewable energy (and you will probably save money too). There are lots of individual actions you can take, such as eating less meat & dairy and travelling by public transport – see this article from the BBC for some ideas.
Climate Emergency Declarations with a target date by 2030
Maldon district councillors have agreed to adopt a Climate Emergency Statement. At a meeting of the full council tonight (Thursday, 4 February) the “statement of intent” was agreed by assent (by all councillors). The move is not unusual – many other local authorities...
Motion unanimously passed at Council Meeting: "In April, 2019, the Welsh Government Minister for the Environment, Energy and Rural Affairs, Lesley Griffiths, AM, declared a climate emergency in Wales.Gwynedd County Council have already followed WAG and declared along...
Ceredigion County Council has declared a global climate emergency in a Council meeting on 05 March 2020. The Council has already committed to making Ceredigion a net zero carbon local authority by 2030, and to develop a clear plan for a pathway that will lead to a net...
Barking & Dagenham
Barking and Dagenham Council has become the latest London borough to declare a climate emergency – outlining ambitious plans to become carbon neutral by 2030. At a council Assembly meeting this week (Wednesday 29), councillors agreed a motion that commits the council...
Kensington & Chelsea
mended Motion passed as follows (see minutes): Humans have already caused irreversible climate change, the impacts of which are being felt around the world. Global temperatures have already increased by 1°C from pre-industrial levels. Atmospheric CO2 levels are above...
Link to minutes of Council Meeting An amendment to extend a 2030 target to the whole area was lost. Hillingdon Council has declared a climate change emergency and laid out its intentions for the borough to meet ambitious targets to become carbon neutral by 2030. The...
Midlothian Council has declared a ‘Climate Emergency’ with the aim of making the council’s activities net-zero carbon by 2030. At a meeting of the full Council last week it was agreed that the council should achieve 100 per cent clean energy across the full range of...
Nuneaton and Bedworth
Delighted that @NBBCouncil have declared a Climate emergency, disappointed my 8 amendments were lost by 3 votes when I saw them as reasonable suggestions. However, I would like to extend my thanks to those from other parties who abstained/ voted for it....
South Cambridgeshire
This Council was one of the first district councils to pledge a Zero Carbon target, even before national government announced it’s Zero Carbon by 2050 legislation. In November 2019, when the Council declared a climate emergency they pledged to: Publish a report,...
Westminster is set to become carbon neutral by 2040 after overwhelming support from local councillors to declare a climate emergency. The declaration, agreed at a Full Council meeting held this evening (18 September 2019), commits Westminster City Council to becoming...
Check our database for the latest council climate action plan Extract from the printed Council minutes, 20th November 2019 "Upon a notice of motion received in the name of Councillor Payne, aproposition was moved by Councillor Payne, seconded by CouncillorClarke, in...
Check our database for the latest version of Council Climate Action Plan Councillor Steve Holgate presented the following Motion submitted in accordance withProcedure Rule 10.a) That Chorley Council recognises the scale and urgency of the global challengefrom climate...
North East Combined Authority
The North East Combined Authority (NECA) has formally declared a climate emergency. The declaration was made after a motion was agreed at the combined authority’s Leadership Board meeting today (Tuesday, 5 November). Each of NECA’s four Constituent Authorities –...
Check our database for the latest climate action plan Extract from minutes: 10. MOTIONS UNDER STANDING ORDER 15(1) Notice of Motion received on 07 October 2019 from Councillor J ForrestWith the agreement of the Mayor, this item was brought forward on theAgenda.A...
Councillor Gerrish in presenting his motion made reference to some alterations made to the version published in the agenda which reflected some amendments from Councillor Spillman’s Amendment. The Motion now read as follows: “Thurrock Council therefore resolves to:...
No Target Date
Extract from Council Minutes Strategy Group – 6th February 2020 The Recommendations arising from the meeting of the Strategy Group held on 6 th February 2020 were received. C.12/20 Climate Emergency (SG.13/20/01) Councillor Jo Gilford thanked the cross-part Task Panel...
Decision:The Council: NOTED the actions taken to date in respect of Shetland IslandsCouncil’s response to Climate Change, through the existingCarbon Management Plan, and associated activity. CONSIDERED the information provided in the Climate Change,Strategic Outline...
At a meeting of the full Council on Monday the 20th of January, elected members considered nine recommendations for actions to take in response to the issue of Climate Change. All nine recommendations were accepted by the Council including the following...
Sheffield City Region
A climate emergency has been declared in South Yorkshire following floods earlier this month. Dan Jarvis, Mayor of Sheffield City Region, discussed the issue at a meeting with council leaders from Sheffield, Rotherham, Barnsley and Doncaster. Extinction Rebellion said...
On 13th November 2019 The CouncilRESOLVED – That(1) a climate change emergency be agreed by the Environment &Leisure Working Group and declared by the Council;(2) should a climate change emergency be declared, Officersinvestigate the scope of evidence necessary to...
The following Motion was proposed by Councillor Norman Plumpton Walsh and seconded by Councillor Bill Woolfall:- ‘This Council resolves to declare a Climate Emergency. Council believes that climate change poses a severe risk to the future of our planet and global...
Ryedale District Council declared a Climate Emergency on 10 October 2019 (minute 51a refers) and made a commitment to actions to help achieve net zero emissions across Ryedale by 2015. We are doing this by delivering the Climate Change Action Plan....
#Stirling Council has today declared a #ClimateEmergency following our full meeting of the Council.Check the news story below: https://t.co/hZReH7MrxM pic.twitter.com/XhPuzrVqmm— Stirling Council (@StirlingCouncil) October 3, 2019 Agreed Motion: Stirling Council...
The vote took place on Tuesday evening and means a move away from fossil fuels https://t.co/j8sJdqXGcH — Belfast Live (@BelfastLive) October 2, 2019 Proposed by Councillor O’Hara Seconded by Councillor Matt Collins “This Council notes the Intergovernmental Panel on...
West Lothian
"A meeting of West Lothian Council approved a motion that states the council recognises that the world is in the midst of a climate emergency which requires urgent and meaningful action at international, national and local level in order to safeguard our planet for...
We congratulate @MayorRos and @MyDoncaster on voting unanimously to declare a climate emergency. Laying the ground for a sustainable, viable economy to make Doncaster carbon neutral by 2030. @natalieben @YHGreenParty @XRDoncaster @jon_bartley #ClimateStrike...
South Staffordshire
"More than 130 councils across the country have already declared a climate emergency and are now working towards reducing their carbon emissions. Many have done so in the wake of a 2018 report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change warning of the devastating...
Breckland council declares climate emergency. Well done Susan Dowling! https://t.co/Xk8q9jVbc9 — Emma.Biggs.Environment (@EmmaBiggsEnvir1) September 24, 2019 Councillor Dowling presented her motion and provided a detailed overview as to why it had been presented. The...
"Councillors in Angus voted to remove a 2045 deadline to become carbon neutral and also to take out key actions from a plan to tackle the effect of climate change on local communities." The original motion: (i) Climate Emergency Councillor Devine has submitted the...
Test Valley
" Test Valley Borough Council has declared a climate emergency as it steps up its fight to tackle climate change. Leader of the council, councillor Phil North, put forward the motion at a full council meeting on September 4 in Romsey. Having gained the approval of...
Target Date 2038-2050
Scottish Borders
The Council have delared a Climate Emergency. This Report from the Chief Executive was adpoted. The following was agreed: It is recommended that Council:(a) Recognises and declares a Climate Emergency; and(b) Agrees:i. as soon as possible, to set a target for...
TAMESIDE COUNCIL agrees to, Declare a ‘Climate Emergency’ that requires urgent action. To continue to build on the work of the Tameside 2018 Green Summit. Make the Council’s operations net-zero carbon in line with the GM commitment to do so by 2038.— Tameside...
A programme of actions to mitigate the impact of climate change is now underway in Knowsley following the declaration of a climate emergency by councillors in the borough. At the council meeting on Wednesday, 29 January 2020, Knowsley councillors agreed to make the...
Luton Council: Taking action on climate change With its declaration of a climate emergency, the Council has put the need to confront climate change as an important priority. To tackle the climate emergency, the council has pledged to ensure that Luton is a carbon...
Extract from Council Minutes: NOTICE OF MOTION - CLIMATE CHANGE EMERGENCYProposed by Councillor Roche and seconded by Councillor Allen:-This Council:-In the most recent State of the UK Climate 2017 report, trends show thatthe UK climate is continuing to warm and that...
East Cambridgeshire
After much discussion and amendment the following motion was passed: It was resolved:(i) That the positive actions and work that have already been completed orbegun be noted;(ii) That a ‘Climate Emergency’ be declared that required urgent action;(iii) That Council be...
East Sussex
Meeting Report in local press The motion, proposed jointly by Labour and Conservatives, that was passed at the meeting: East Sussex County Council: (i) supports the aims and implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. (ii) recognises and declares a Climate...
Extract from Minutes of Meeting 26th September 2019: Climate Change The Chairman advised that a Motion to Council: “Climate Change” had been received from Mr Tett. Mr Tett proposed the motion and highlighted these points: He felt this was one of the most important...
South Kesteven
Cabinet recommends to Council that: 1. South Kesteven District Council declares a ‘climate emergency’. 2. In response to this, that Council: a. Confirms the political ambition to reduce the organisation’s carbon footprint by 2030 and to become net-zero carbon by 2050....
Fife Council declares climate emergency and pledges to reduce emissions https://t.co/KBbiAVUK2v pic.twitter.com/2OlteFzDnl— The Courier (@thecourieruk) September 30, 2019 The target date was amended to 2045. Climate Emergency Fife Council agrees to: 1. Declare a...
Campaigners demand action after RBC declares a ‘climate emergency’ - https://t.co/9MHi8e5fe2 — Redditch Standard (@RedStand) September 27, 2019 [pdf-embedder url="https://climateemergency.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/Redditch-minutes.pdf" title="Redditch...
Press Release: "A motion declaring a climate emergency and pledging to ensure we achieve net-zero carbon emissions no later than 2050 has been endorsed by all 39 members. The Climate Emergency motion, proposed by Councillor Glenn Briski and seconded by Councillor...
The following motion was passed: The Council notes: 1. That the impacts of climate change are already causing serious damage around the world. 2. That the ‘Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5°C’, published by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change in...
An amended motion, which changed the date for making Walsall Council a net Zero Carbon authority from 2030 to 2050, was approved. Original Motion [pdf-embedder url="https://climateemergency.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/17-Notice-of-motion-Climate-change.pdf"...
East Lothian
A motion declaring a Climate Emergency was approved by Elected Members at Tuesday's meeting of East Lothian Council. The motion, which was moved by Councillor Norman Hampshire, Cabinet Spokesperson for the Environment, reads: “There is a global climate emergency. The...
Work in Progress
Ribble Valley
Extract from Corporate Strategy Ambition 4 - To protect and enhance the existing environmental quality of our area Our ambition is to protect the local environment, parts of which rank amongst the finest in England. The Council provides a high quality environment,...
This is not a 'climate emergency' declaration: At the Council Meeting on October 17th it was unanimously RESOLVED thatThe Environment & Sustainability Committee, with the support of the working group, form a report on the implications of climate change for RBC and...
Mrs Hanson moved the following motion as set out in the Council Agenda:- ‘Cumbria County Council has long recognised the importance of tackling Climate Change. This Council remains fully committed as we seek to reduce our own carbon emissions. To date this Council...
Extract from Minutes of Full Council 14th May 2019 [pdf-embedder url="https://climateemergency.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/Essex.pdf"]
East Hertfordshire
https://t.co/LDI1XxTBAX East Herts District Council Climate Emergency declaration changed as Tory Councillors don't think it is an Emergency. — nick garland (@garland_nick) July 24, 2019 [pdf-embedder...
Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon
SDLP, UUP & DUP have kicked my #ClimateEmergency motion into the long-grass. Refused to commit to carbon neutrality by 2030 in favour of referring to committee to “explore” a declaration and neutrality by 2050. There is no time to waste. This emergency requires...
https://t.co/FVshBwKj1p — sheri price (@SheriPr00135209) June 29, 2019 . PROPOSED BY COUNCILLOR STUART ASHLEYMotionCLIMATE EMERGENCYThis Council should consider the need to declare a climate emergency. Thisconsideration should be undertaken by the Resources and Cross...
Oadby and Wigston
2/5/19 Lib Dems promise to discuss motion declaring a climate emergency. https://harborough.greenparty.org.uk/news/2019/05/02/national-climate-change-emergency-motion-adopted/
Horsham District Council passes climate emergency motion, but fails to declare a climate emergency 🙁 https://t.co/hwFOmBBcmy— Mike Croker at Horsham DC (@CrokerFor) June 27, 2019 [pdf-embedder...
Coventry council's emissions pledge attacked for falling short of 'climate emergency' demands - https://t.co/JRY0Zo6tOI — Coventry Observer (@covobservernews) June 21, 2019 “This Council confirms its commitment to addressing the issue of climate change and recommends...
The following motion was passed by Sedgemoor District Council on 20th March 2019. For more information see this Bridgewater Mercury article. Proposed by Cllr. Duncan McGinty (Conservative) seconded by Cllr. Mick Lerry (Labour) [pdf-embedder...
Minutes of Shropshire Council Meeting 13th December 2018. Report of meeting by Councillor Andy Boddington Councillor J Dean stated that he was pleased to accept the constructive amendment to the Notice of Motion, the amended wording was also supported by Councillors...
London Borough of Enfield
Motion 11.10 in the name of Councillor Vicki Pite Agenda 30th January 2019 deferred to 27th February (no record of whether it was debated or passed. “More than a dozen councils, including the London Assembly, have passed 'climate emergency' motions since the IPCC...
It’s a disgrace - Solihull Tories also last night blocked debate on our motion to call a climate emergency and referred it on to a Cabinet Member - kicking it into the long grass — Cllr Tim Hodgson (@CllrTimHodgson) March 1, 2019 Notice of Motion from Agenda 28th...
Lancashire County Council
Breaking - Lancashire’s Conservative’s have refused to declare a climate emergency. But Lancashire Labour has successfully forced them to accept that we need to be carbon neutral by 2030. It’s not all we wanted, but it is progress. #ClimateEmergency #ClimateChange...