On July 9th 2019, the Joint Strategic Committee of Adur & Worthing Councils declared a Climate Emergency, and committed to working towards becoming carbon neutral by 2030.
As part of this commitment, the Councils resolved to develop a science- and evidence-based Carbon Neutral Plan that would identify the key actions and intervention measures required to set the
Councils on the path to net zero carbon emissions. This work is intended to provide the Councils with an understanding of their own carbon emissions baseline and identify the steps that need to be taken to achieve the decarbonisation target by 2030.
Recommendations have been informed by carbon projections modelling, detailed energy audits, and stakeholder engagement workshops, to ensure that the Plan reflects the unique circumstances and priorities of Adur & Worthing Councils as they look towards the future.
This Plan is aligned to the Councils’ strategic vision Platforms for our Places under Platform 3:
Tackling Climate Change and Supporting our Natural Environment; and SustainableAW, the Councils’ shared framework for sustainability. It also contributes to delivery against the Councils’ UK100 Cities pledge to achieve 100% clean energy by 2050 across Adur & Worthing.