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At the meeting of Council on 18 July, councillors unanimously called for a climate emergency to be declared, recognising the urgent need to take action to tackle this important issue through the council’s own work, that of our partners and in our communities.

The key points agreed by all councillors at the meeting on targets and actions are below and the next steps will be agreed by Cabinet in September:

Make Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council operations carbon neutral by December 2025 by ensuring that 100% of its heating and electrical needs are met from renewable sources and cease the purchase and/or lease of any vehicle that is not low carbon;

Pledge to work toward making Basingstoke and Deane net zero carbon by 2030, ahead of the current 2050 target, ensuring that reducing carbon emissions is embedded in all relevant council decision making;

Develop carbon reduction pathways, climate compliant strategies and plans, working with the County Council, LEP and other partners in both the public and private sector to prioritise all opportunities to introduce such zero carbon and sustainable policies, action plans and targets;

Undertake a Local Plan review where the borough proposes policies for adoption in all areas that will drive zero carbon and sustainable development in Basingstoke and Deane;

Ensure local people are able to contribute to the formulation and scrutiny of the strategic actions needed to address the environment and climate emergency by consulting on proposals and by organizing an annual ‘Tackling the Environment and Climate Emergency’ meeting, hosted by the Community, Environment and Partnerships Committee, in addition to the wide-range of existing opportunities for local people to make representations to the council;

Receive a report in early 2020 on what strategic actions the Council is taking to address the environment and climate emergency, including an action plan and milestones to achieve emission reductions within the council’s control, and to share details of representations being made to other institutions to achieve reductions in emissions outside of the council’s direct control.