The following was resolved:

Resolved –
Council welcomes:
1. the declaration of a Climate Emergency made by the West Yorkshire
Combined Authority (WYCA) on 27 June 2019;
2. the Climate Emergency declarations made by councils in the WYCA
region since Bradford led the way in January 2019.
3. The WYCA Clean Growth Action Plan which includes measures the
authority is taking across its own operations and making sure we have
information about the impact on climate change when the authority
makes decisions.
WYCA has a range of projects that will contribute to a reduction in greenhouse
gases. A few highlights are below:
 By 2020, the Combined Authority, through the CityConnect programme,
will have invested £60 million in cycling and walking schemes across
West Yorkshire and York since 2015.
 An estimated £69 million from the Local Growth Fund will be spent on
walking and cycling improvements.
 The Energy Accelerator programme, which provides project
development support for low carbon projects, is currently supporting 13
projects and should all projects be implemented they are estimated to
annually save over 14,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalents
 250 businesses in the City Region to date have been supported so far
through the Resource Efficiency Fund. This programme is estimated to
save annually 2000 tonnes of carbon.
Council notes that:
1. air travel (passengers and freight) was responsible for over 900 million
tonnes of CO2 pollution in 2018 and makes up 2% of worldwide
2. aviation-related greenhouse gas emissions in the UK have more than
doubled since 1990, according to the Climate Change Committee,
making up 4% of worldwide aviation CO2 emissions
3. the International Council on Clean Transportation estimates that CO2
emissions from aviation will triple by 2050 as aviation growth currently
outpaces their rate of carbon efficiency gains;
4. on current trends, aviation-related greenhouse gas emissions will
contribute up to 15% of global warming from all human activities within
50 years as other sectors decarbonise;
5. Bradford Council cannot draft national aviation strategy on its own. It is
absolutely essential for the Government to produce an Aviation Strategy
as soon as possible to make sure carbon emissions from aircraft are
substantially reduced.
6. WYCA is planning to invest in transport links to Leeds Bradford Airport
in order to facilitate its continued expansion, including significant
employment land development to help create thousands of jobs, many of
which will be taken by people living in Bradford who will need better
transport links to this employment site.
7. Through the West Yorkshire-plus Transport Fund WYCA is also
investing in new infrastructure which helps to ease congestion and
improve air quality, increase public transport reliability and give people
more options for walking and cycling. And through the Connecting
Leeds programme there are plans to build a new rail station to serve
Leeds Bradford Airport so that people can travel there by public
transport. And through the Connecting Leeds programme there are
[1] Carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2eq) stands for a unit based on the global warming potential (GWP)
of different greenhouse gases. The CO2eq unit measures the environmental impact of one tonne of
these greenhouse gases in comparison to the impact of one tonne of CO2.
plans to build a new rail station to serve Leeds Bradford Airport so that
people can travel there by public transport.
Council therefore
1. Expects WYCA to apply the principles of their Declaration of a Climate
Emergency in all the decisions they make.
2. Welcomes the commitment from WYCA to introduce carbon emission
assessments of all major infrastructure projects.
3. Will lobby government for a devolution deal that will unlock additional
funding for sustainable transport projects such as a regional mass
transit scheme to encourage modal shift
4. Calls on Government to accelerate the production of the national
Aviation Strategy which according to the Committee on Climate Change
should also include the need for Greenhouse Gas Removals.