The following notice of motion has been received from
Councillor H Skinner:
To that end, this council resolves to:
1. Declare a “Climate Emergency” that requires urgent
2. Produce a new Carbon Management Plan, which will
include the setting of a net carbon neutral target for
Broxtowe Borough Council by 2027.
3. Ensure that political and chief officer leadership
teams embed this work in all areas and take
responsibility for reducing, as rapidly as possible, the
carbon emissions resulting from the Council’s
activities, ensuring that any recommendations are
fully costed and that the Executive and Scrutiny
functions review council activities taking account of
production and consumption emissions and produce
an action plan within 12 months, together with budget
actions and a measured baseline.
4. Integrate this commitment into the new Broxtowe
Borough Council four-year Corporate plan which will
be produced in the next few months.
5. Request that the Council and partners take steps to
proactively include young people in the process,
ensuring that they have a voice in shaping the future
6. Include an assessment of climate and sustainability
impact in all relevant reports to committees.
7. Ensure that all reports in preparation for the 2020/21
budget cycle and investment strategy will take into
account the actions the council will take to address
this emergency.
8. Work with, influence and inspire partners across the
district, county and region to help deliver this goal
through all relevant strategies, plans and shared
resources by developing a series of meetings, events
and partner workshops.