Extract from Council minutes

Councillor Berry asked the Cabinet Member for Improving Camden’s
Environment if he was willing to declare that there was a climate emergency and
commit to a plan to address it. Councillor Harrison responded that he endorsed
the declaration of a climate emergency and the next full Council debate would be
dedicated to climate change. Camden was an international borough and a place
which could forge links across globe on issues like this. The Council was also
convening a Citizens Assembly with a special focus on climate change, and
involving young people as much as possible. There was already good work
taking place and there had recently been a meeting of the Sustainers group,
which was the new schools’ sustainability forum. The Green Action for Change
plan had had a positive effect and there would be a new environment plan when
it expired next year, to which the Citizens Assembly and the full Council would
feed in. The Council was committed to playing its part and he hoped he could
call on all party support for the declaration of a climate emergency.