Very pleased that @ChilternCouncil supported my motion declaring a climate emergency. As suggested by @chilternlibdems @marzoukwalid123 @FrancesKneller
— Peter Jones (@PeterChilternLD) July 23, 2019
Motion 51: Climate Change
In accordance with Procedure Rule 12 the following motion has been proposed by Councillor Peter Jones and seconded by Councillor Caroline Jones.
The Council agrees to note that:
(a) the recent 2018 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report states that we have just 12 years to act on climate change if global temperature rises are to be kept within the recommended 1.5 degrees Celsius;
(b) all governments (national, regional and local) have a duty to limit the negative impacts on climate breakdown. UK county, district and local councils need to commit to realistic reduction targets and carbon neutrality as quickly as possible;
(c) the Local Government Association has voted to “declare a climate emergency and commits to supporting councils in their work to tackle climate change”
In light of the above, the Council therefore agrees to:
(1) Join other councils in declaring a Climate Emergency;
(2) use all practical means to reduce any negative impact of Council services on the environment, with an aspiration to be carbon neutral by 2030;
(3) ask officers to ensure that specific consideration is given to how policies and our related decisions and actions, affect our contribution to climate change, and take action as appropriate;
(4) continue to work with partners (including local residents and businesses) inside and outside the community to deliver widespread carbon reductions.