Check our database for the latest version of Council Climate Action Plan
Councillor Steve Holgate presented the following Motion submitted in accordance with
Procedure Rule 10.
a) That Chorley Council recognises the scale and urgency of the global challenge
from climate change, as documented by the latest Special Report of the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, and declares a climate emergency;
b) That the Council welcomes the work of Overview and Scrutiny Task Group and
requests that it reviews and recommends what further corporate approaches can be
taken through Chorley Council to facilitate stronger Chorley wide action through
collaboration at a strategic, community and individual level;
c) That all relevant outside organisation member representatives, Cabinet Members
and senior officers work with partners, including individuals and community action
groups across the borough to identify ways to make Chorley carbon neutral by 2030,
taking into account both production and consumption emissions;
d) That the Leader of the Council be requested to write to the Secretaries of State
for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy; Transport; Environment, Food and Rural
Affairs; and Housing, Communities and Local Government calling for the creation,
provision or devolution of powers and resources to make achievement of the 2030
target possible in Chorley; and
e) That the Chief executive be requested to update the Council before the end of
February 2020 with the actions the Council has and will take to address this
Councillor Mark Clifford seconded the motion and spoke in support of it.
Councillor John Walker proposed an amendment to remove paragraphs d and e and
this was seconded by the Leader of the Opposition, Councillor Martin Boardman, but
following debate the amendment was withdrawn.
Following debate, Members made the Decision by majority – that the motion be