At Moreland City Council’s (Melbourne, population: 162,558) meeting on 12 September 2018, councillors unanimously adopted a resolution acknowledging that “we are in a state of climate emergency that requires urgent action by all levels of government, including local Councils.”

The motion which was presented at the council meeting and moved by Councillor Dale Martin was seconded by Councillor Oscar Yildiz and passed unanimously after an interesting debate which was video recorded, starting at 2 hours 19 minutes:



1. Council acknowledges we are in a state of climate emergency that requires urgent action by all levels of government, including local Councils.

2. Councillors receive a briefing from officers on how to best act on the ‘climate emergency’ acknowledgement and ensure this is embedded into future strategies and the next council action plan.

3. Council updates the Zero Carbon Evolution 2040 framework to embed the ‘climate emergency’ acknowledgement.

»  Agenda for the Moreland Council meeting on 12 September 2018

» Video recording of the council meeting debate on the Climate Emergency motion – at 2:19:10


The motion at Moreland Council calls for councillors to receive a briefing from officers on how to best act on the climate emergency acknowledgement.

Consideration of the climate emergency will also be embedded into future strategies and the next council action plan, as well as updating the municipality’s Zero Carbon Evolution 2040 framework to embed the climate emergency acknowledgement.

Convenor of Climate Action Moreland John Englart said:

“This is a landmark decision by Moreland Council that takes account of the need for rapid action and leadership on climate change. While leadership has been sorely lacking by the Federal Government for the last five years, we are pleased that our local government is filling the void on a local level and is following our neighbours in Darebin in adopting a climate emergency framework.”

The Climate Emergency motion at Moreland Council meeting follows on from the City of Darebin adopting a climate emergency plan at their Council meeting on 21 August 2017 and implementing a climate emergency framework as part of their Council Plan.

Over two days on 11-12 September 2018, the Darebin City Council convened and facilitated a successful climate emergency conference at Northcote Town Hall.

John Englart asks a question at Moreland City Council on climate emergency motion


» Climate Action Moreland – 6 September 2017:
Darebin Council adopts climate emergency plan

John Englart ask a question to Moreland Council at the council meeting at 33min 30sec.