That the following motion, as amended, submitted by Councillor Mike
Ratcliffe, be received:
“Climate change is an existential threat. Extreme weather events
have caused damage and destruction in this country and have led to
deaths and displacement of thousands of people worldwide. Natural habitats, wildlife and biodiversity are in peril, not only from climate
change, but they are being adversely affected by human intervention,
which in turn is enhancing the effects of climate change.
Scientists are warning that we have a little over a decade to implement urgent action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions before
we reach a global tipping point.
Action is required at international, national, local and individual level
to achieve the carbon reduction levels needed.
This Council pledges to:
• Declare a Climate Emergency
• Make Derbyshire Dales District Council carbon neutral by
• Call on the UK Government to provide the powers and
resources to make the 2030 target possible
• Work with partners across the county and region to deliver
this new goal through all relevant strategies
• Report back to Council within six months with the actions the
Council will take to address this emergency.”