After much discussion and amendment the following motion was passed:
It was resolved:
(i) That the positive actions and work that have already been completed or
begun be noted;
(ii) That a ‘Climate Emergency’ be declared that required urgent action;
(iii) That Council be committed to the following actions, to begin immediately:
o Launch and publicise an online ‘Ideas Forum’ for residents to submit
their ideas for consideration on how the Council can tackle climate
Develop a Supplementary Planning Document for the Natural
o Conduct a review of the management, use of pesticides and the grass
cutting schedule of our own open spaces and develop a Parks and
Open Spaces Eco Plan to reduce adverse environmental impacts and
increase biodiversity
o Request East Cambs Trading Company to consider if and how the
Parks and Open Spaces Eco Plan can be applied to customers of the
o Promote tree schemes by the Woodland Trust and other organisations
to encourage tree planting throughout the District
(iv) The Council assess the feasibility and capability of new carbon emission free vehicles available on the market when any Council owned vehicle comes to the end of its life, alongside consideration of the required investment in infrastructure to charge and maintain a carbon emission free fleet
(v) That the Operational Services Committee be tasked to develop a costed
Environment and Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan, including
targets and timescales to reduce carbon emissions and pollution and protect and enhance biodiversity and present to Committee within 6 months; as part of this work, Committee will explore and consider the following, which is not an exhaustive list:
o Measures in conjunction with the Combined Authority
o Measures in conjunction with Cambridgeshire County Council
o Measures in conjunction with other organisations and customers
o Measures required and feasibility of reaching net zero carbon emissions by the Council by 2050
o Pre-application Planning fee incentives/discounts for schemes using
eco-friendly building methods and heating and cooling systems and
green energy schemes
o Incentives/discounts on taxi license fees for ultra-low and zero emission vehicles at renewal
o Installing more electric charging points in Council owned car parks
o Installing additional water refill stations on Council premises
o Communications Plan, including:
Changing the culture of the Council to one of ‘Think Zero’
Promotion of the online ‘Ideas Forum’
Michael Recycle ‘Zero Hero’ cut the carbon campaign
Schools engagement
Measures in the emerging Youth Strategy