A motion declaring a Climate Emergency was approved by Elected Members at Tuesday’s meeting of East Lothian Council.

The motion, which was moved by Councillor Norman Hampshire, Cabinet Spokesperson for the Environment, reads:

“There is a global climate emergency. The evidence is irrefutable and the science is clear. Warnings have been issued about the damage human beings are causing to the planet and how that damage has accelerated over the past 50 years.

“The impacts of climate change are having a serious effect on our communities.

“We believe that it’s not too late for us to turn things around but to do so requires transformative change and action now.

“East Lothian Council therefore resolves to;-

“Declare a Climate Emergency that requires urgent action to make all our Council Services net Zero Carbon as soon as reasonably practicable or in any case by 2045 and to lobby, support and work with all relevant agencies, partners and communities to fulfil this commitment. East Lothian Council will also commit to work with our communities and partners towards making East Lothian a carbon neutral county as well as enabling the county to deliver its part of wider national and international commitments.”
