The following Motion was proposed by Councillor
Norman Plumpton Walsh and seconded by Councillor Bill
‘This Council resolves to declare a Climate Emergency.
Council believes that climate change poses a severe risk to
the future of our planet and global warming has serious
consequences, affecting our economic, social and
environmental well-being, both here in Halton and across
the world.
In looking at our business activities Council agrees to:
 Ensure that Council takes responsibility for reducing, as
rapidly as possible, the carbon emissions resulting from
our business activities.
 Strive towards ensuring all Council activities become
carbon neutral.
 Ensure all strategic decisions, budget priorities and
approaches to managing our services give regard to
shifting towards being carbon neutral.
 Seek to achieve 100% clean energy across the full range
of the Council’s functions.
Further, Council requests that each Policy and Performance
Board reviews the impact of climate change when reviewing
Council policies and strategies.
In looking at protecting our communities Council further
 To help promote support from our communities for
environmental change that will help reduce or eliminate
carbon emissions and help raise public awareness.
 To ask all Halton schools to cover climate change within
the school curriculum. Council believes all young people
should be educated about the ecological and social
impact of climate change.
 To work with, influence and inspire Council partners
across the Borough, Cheshire and Liverpool City Region
to put concern for climate change in all relevant
strategies, plans and shared resources.
Council further calls upon the Government to provide added
resources and funding to help local authorities be best
prepared to help tackle global warming at a local level’.
The motion was put and carried.
RESOLVED: That the motion be approved.