The Mayor advised that there was one Notice of Motion before the Council in the
names of Councillors Richard Cooper and Graham Swift which would, in accordance
with Standing Order 10(6)(f), be debated by the Council.
(1) “This Council supports measures to address the climate emergency as
outlined by the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
This council will therefore re-examine its Carbon Reduction Strategy with an
aim of adapting it to meet IPCC targets and a final goal of carbon neutrality. In
doing so the council will work with other partners across the Borough and
Region to deliver this new goal including North Yorkshire County Council. As
part of this work the council will evaluate proposals including the following
Establishing under the council’s leadership initially a climate change
coalition bringing together residents groups, businesses, environmental
groups and politicians to promote carbon neutrality.
Holding a climate change conference promoting micro-generation for
housing developers, domestic waste reduction and zero-carbon supply
chains for business.
Lobbying government to bring in a new ‘green council support grant’
offering incentive to those councils who reduce their carbon emissions
over and above the IPCC 2030 targets.
Installing photovoltaic cell developments in council facilities such as car
parks and leisure centres.
Implementing domestic-scale PV opportunities on community centres and
other small public buildings.
Providing additional funding for Electric Vehicle (EV) infrastructure to
accelerate the roll-out of the ULEV strategy and build funding for the
strategy in to the Council’s annual budget.
Bringing forward plans for EV home charging points and battery storage
and renewables within council housing.
Developing battery storage capacity – connected to PV to supplement our
EV charging network.
Providing additional grant support for home energy conservation
measures, particularly hard to-treat measures, supplementing limited
funding available through current Energy Company Obligation schemes,
using Better Homes as the delivery mechanism.
Upgrading suitable council housing to the highest possible energy
efficiency standards, for example “Enerphit” certified retro-fitted
Passivhaus standards.
Ensuring new homes built by Bracewell Homes are built to the highest
possible energy efficiency standard, e.g. Passivhaus or high Code for
Sustainable Homes standards.
Influencing others to encourage renewable energy and/or other
sustainable technology at landmark development such as station gateway,
HCC redevelopment, depot redevelopment and new leisure Centres.
Increasing our target BREEAM score for new commercial buildings to
Accelerating conversion to electric vehicles of our pool and operational
vehicle fleet
Strengthen the energy requirements of all new developments by
introducing a Development Plan Document to follow ‘Merton Rule’ type
Investigating enhanced sustainable transport incentives for staff and local
employers including subsidised public transport for staff.
Supporting the Northern Forest and Knaresborough Forest initiatives by
ensuring that every child plants a tree during their schooling.
Implementing free parking for electric vehicles for the next 5 years
Looking at the cost of electricity purchasing prioritising green energy
Investigating the impact on carbon emissions on pedestrianizing Harrogate
town centre and making it a pedestrian and cycle friendly zone
Implementing salary sacrifice schemes for staff who purchase electric
vehicles including electric bikes.
Running an intensive campaign promoting home composting and waste
Looking at incentives and penalties for households who place recyclable
waste in the general waste stream.
Proposed: Councillor Richard Cooper Seconded: Councillor Graham
The motion was then debated by the Council.
Upon a vote being taken, the Mayor declared the Motion carried.