UN COP 26 will take place in Glasgow in 2021, hosted by the United Nations and the UK Government. This International online event will take us closer to the UN Summit, and it’s about generating a wider dialogue on Climate Action. Net Zero by 2030? Can we make it happen? Book Free Tickets
Come and join us at this important event where we will have a local and global dialogue between the general public, Scientists and representatives of different UK Government Agencies, such as the Environment Agency, Natural England, Sussex Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority. Business people and representatives of important NGOs will also be taking place in this climate action dialogue.
Yes, at this event you CAN influence policy makers by interacting with them and engaging in the discussions.
We will take a fresh look at the future global interactions between climate, humans and wildlife and what may be the best way forward locally and globally. We know that the Climate Crisis is having an impact on Biodiversity in Sussex and we will address this issue too.
The impact on Society: “A wide range of economically important industries are being affected by climate change, with impacts on food availability, infrastructure, seasonal operating windows and the movement of goods. Coastal erosion, flooding, sea-level rising present multiple risks to UK industries and communities” (Marine Climate Change Impact Partnership).