mended Motion passed as follows (see minutes):

  1. Humans have already caused irreversible climate change, the impacts of which are being felt around the world. Global temperatures have already increased by 1°C from pre-industrial levels. Atmospheric CO2 levels are above 400 parts per million (ppm). This exceeds the 350 ppm deemed to be a safe level for humanity;
  2. In order to reduce the chance of runaway Global Warming and limit the effects of Climate Breakdown, it is imperative that we reduce our CO2eq (carbon equivalent) emissions from our current 6.5 tonnes per person per year to less
    than 2 tonnes as soon as possible;
  3. The IPCC’s ‘Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5°C’, published in October 2018, describes the enormous harm that a 2°C rise is very likely to cause compared to a 1.5°C rise, however limiting Global Warming to 1.5°C may still be possible with ambitious action from national and local authorities, including civil society, the private sector and local communities;
  4. Many RBKC residents are demanding deeper and faster action on climate
    change as demonstrated through actions such as the ongoing Youth Strikes and by Extinction Rebellion last month;
  5. Individuals cannot be expected to make these reduction on their own.
    Society needs to change and adapt its laws, taxation, infrastructure, etc….
    to make low carbon living both easier and the new norm, and for local
    authorities this is in areas where they have significant responsibility, such as waste, public realm infrastructure, local transport and building
    standards enforcement; The Conservative National Government committing the UK to Net Zero by 2050 and welcome the legal powers which can be brought to bear to tackle the Climate Emergency.
  6. RBKC has implemented an Air Quality and Climate Change Action Plan
    2016-2021 but this does not explicitly address the scale of the climate
    emergency nor does it include plan for a zero-carbon Borough by 2025.
    Following the implementation of the Air Quality and Climate Change Action Plan 2016-2021 which was produced in 2016, we welcome the announcement of Vision Carbon Zero which will include steps needed for RBKC operations to be zero carbon by 2030 and the whole Borough by 2040.
    The risks to the Borough of inaction will include:
    a. Increased risk of flooding, subsidence, and damage to buildings and
    b. Health problems, particularly for children, the disabled and older people;
    c. Higher energy and food costs;
    d. Increases in social injustice and inequality;
    e. Increased costs of inaction, affecting the poorest in the borough
    f. Loss of economic opportunities which could be realised through the transition to carbon neutrality across the borough;
  7. Over 100 council and parishes across the UK have responded to the
    situation by declaring a ‘Climate Emergency’ and have committed
    resources to address this emergency. We want RBKC to join this
  8. The UK Parliament unanimously passed a motion declaring climate
    emergency on the 1st May 2019 and therefore it is time for all local
    authorities to follow this, taking control of what they can at a local level to tackle the emergency.
    This Council therefore believes that:
  9. RBKC should sign up to a science-based carbon reduction target that is
    consistent with achieving the Paris Agreement of no more than 1.5°C global temperature increase;
  10. A specific climate emergency plan should be developed for the borough
    with the actions needed to reach the target of zero carbon by 2025; Vision Carbon Zero should be developed for the Borough with the actions needed to reach the target of zero carbon by 2030 for the Council and 2040 for the Borough;
  11. The Council should work with other organisations and local governments within London, the UK and internationally to determine and implement best practice methods of local decarbonisation and of governance to oversee this plan.
    This Council therefore resolves:
  12. To declare a ‘Climate and Environment Emergency’;
  13. To inform residents and business about how they are affected by climate change and should draw up policies to:
    a. move RBKC administration operations and organisation to zero carbon
    by 2025 2030, identifying the actions and resources necessary to do this;
    b. support and promote the transition of all residents’ and business activities located in RBKC to zero carbon by 2025 2040, identifying the financial, legal and other changes necessary to do this;
    c. identify the networks (including community organisations, local business alliances, including business improvement districts, and other local organisations) that can support this transition;
  14. To set interim targets and work towards a final plan by October in 2020, Vision Carbon Zero, for how RBKC will reach carbon neutrality by 2025 by 2030 and the wider Borough by 2040;
  15. Include in all Council Meetings – as a standard item of business – a brief
    report outlining progress towards addressing the Action Plan; That RBKC
    integrates the ‘Vision Carbon Zero’ plan through all its work and that the plan is part of any decision made.
  16. Call on central government and GLA to provide the necessary funding,
    support for resource mobilisation and powers to make this plan possible;
    To call on the Mayor of London to make all buses electric in RBKC.
  17. To continue working with partners including other local authorities, universities, community groups and business groups across the Borough, London and nationally to deliver this new goal through all relevant strategies and plans, and draw on best practices at national and international levels.”