Check our database for the latest council climate action plan

To be proposed by Cllr Jim Hakewill and seconded by Cllr Anne Lee:-
“This Council:
• recognises the strength of public opinion recently expressed in
London and Northamptonshire, particularly by young people, on the
issue of climate change and the need to achieve carbon reduction
targets to protect the health and wellbeing of our future generations.
• congratulates the UK parliament for declaring a Climate Emergency.
• believes that all levels of government have a duty to limit the impacts
of climate change along with our partners.
• will place “Climate Change Implications” on all agendas immediately
prior to the recommendations section, to demonstrate compliance
with the spirit of this motion.
• calls upon the shadow authority and its successor Unitary council to
continue this work and place Climate Change policies at the heart of
its future operations and services.
• requests a half yearly report to be submitted to the Monitoring and
Audit Committee and annually to Full Council (the first being at the
22nd April 2020 meeting), detailing the actions that have been taken
towards achieving the objectives of this motion.
• Requests that a senior officer be nominated to be the Council’s
Climate Change champion.
• by passing this motion formally declares a Climate Emergency in
Kettering Borough and commits to a target of making the area
covered by the Borough Council carbon neutral by 2030.