Motion 11.10 in the name of Councillor Vicki Pite Agenda 30th January 2019 deferred to 27th February (no record of whether it was debated or passed.

“More than a dozen councils, including the London Assembly, have passed ‘climate emergency’ motions since the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) “Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5O C”, published in October 2018, described the enormous harm that a 2°C rise in world temperature is likely to cause, urging instead that governments and authorities world-wide seek to limit global warming to 1.5O C.

The London Assembly, in a unanimous vote, called on the Mayor of London to put an emergency plan in place and declare a climate emergency in London.

Reflecting the will of the London Assembly, Enfield Council

  • Notes the IPCC’s Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5°C and endorses the proposal that limiting Global Warming to 1.5°C may still be possible with ambitious action from national and sub-national authorities and others.
  • Notes the Mayor’s climate change mitigation and adaptation responsibilities and recognises that he aims to make London a zero-carbon city by 2050 and would welcome, and support, further ambitious steps.
  • Welcomes actions by Bristol city council and other city councils around the world to declare and commit resources to tackling a ‘Climate Emergency’
  • Requests cabinet and officers to examine what more can be done locally to further this agenda and to publish a plan setting out these actions for debate.

Enfield Council further asks, in line with the unanimous vote of the London Assembly, that the leaders of both parties write to:

  • The Mayor of London to declare a climate emergency, supported by specific emergency plans with the actions needed to make London carbon neutral by 2030, and, as vice chair of the C40 Cities network, to be a leader on this agenda.
  • The Secretary of State for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs urging him to give the Mayor of London the powers and funding to make this possible.”