For the latest version of the Harrow Climate Action Plan visit our database
Harrow appear to have changed their target date to 2050.
Harrow Council declares climate change emergency: Harrow Council became the latest authority to officially declare a climate emergency, despite concerns from the Conservative opposition that its definition needed “beefing up”. https://t.co/uM4OQ3GiFY
— Our Harrow (@OurHarrow) July 19, 2019
Declaring a Climate Emergency Motion
To be moved by Councillor Sue Anderson and seconded by
Councillor Kareema Marikar:
“Council notes that:
Humans have already caused irreversible climate change,
the impacts of which are being felt around the world.
Global temperatures have already increased by 1ºC from
pre-industrial levels. Atmospheric CO2 levels are above
400 parts per million (ppm), exceeding the 350 ppm
deemed to be a safe level for humanity;
In Harrow, the high level of vehicle usage is a major
contributor to poorer air quality and a detrimental effect on
our residents’ health;
The 2018 IPCC report states that we have just 12 years to
act on climate change if global temperature rises are to be
kept within the recommended 1.5ºC;
All governments (national, regional and local) have a duty
to limit the negative impacts of climate breakdown, and
local governments that recognise this should not wait for
their national governments to change their policies. UK
local authorities need to commit to aggressive reduction
targets and carbon neutrality as quickly as possible;
Urban areas like Harrow are well placed to lead the world
in reducing carbon emissions, as their higher density
opens up a range of sustainable transport, buildings and
energy opportunities;
Council – 18 July 2019 7
We need to continue to improve air quality, protect against
flooding, and ensure our buildings, transport, waste and
energy policies are environmentally sustainable.
Harrow Council has already taken significant steps to
reduce carbon emissions in the borough. For example,
the council is currently installing electric vehicle charging
points at key sites; has recently purchased a new fleet, the
majority of which are zero emission electric vehicles; has
rolled out food waste recycling to all flats in the borough;
advanced a programme of LED street lighting; supported
schools to become more energy efficient.
In light of the above, the Council resolves to:
1. Join other councils in declaring a Climate Emergency;
2. Call on the UK Government to provide the necessary
powers and resources to make local action on climate
change easier;
3. Aim to make London borough of Harrow carbon neutral by
2030, taking into account both production and
consumption of emissions;
4. Create a working group of officers and members to
urgently review and make recommendations to Council for
actions that the local authority can take in order to achieve
this target;
5. Continue to work with across London and through the LGA
to deliver widespread carbon reductions.”