(a) That the Council in principle declares a climate emergency and commits to going carbon neutral by 2040. This will help to raise the profile of the vital issue and secure external support.
To further support the work of the Council it is proposed that we join the ‘Global Covenant of Mayors’. This is a free network of towns and cities around the globe who have committed to reduce carbon emissions by 40% by 2030. It also entails submitting a Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan (SECAP) every two years which enables towns to track progress towards meeting the zero carbon target and that the following steps be taken –
1. Declare a ‘Climate Emergency’.
2. Sign up to the ‘Global Covenant of Mayors’.
3. The Council to write to the Minister of State for Climate Change and Industry requesting that national policy and strategy is urgently developed to reflect the seriousness of the current emergency and to release funds to Local Authorities that will allow them to take the necessary measures at a local level.
4. Pledge to make Mansfield carbon neutral by 2040 and work with local business and industry to get them on-board with this vital issue.
5. The Council to seek to collaborate with other Local and Regional Authorities on emission reduction projects.
6. The Mayor reports back to Council in 12 months with a Sustainable Energy and Climate Change Action Plan to ensure Mansfield stays on target.
(b) That the Council supports in principle the Money Advice Trust’s ‘Stop the Knock’ campaign and the six objectives of the campaign, which sought to improve local government debt collection.
Hi, My local authority, Mansfield District Council, declared a climate emergency in March 2019 but don’t appear on your map. Could you please let me know why? If it is because they stated “in principle”, please let me know, then I can go back to them and campaign for them to make an unreserved declaration and push for them to formulate a Climate Plan.