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Mid Suffolk Council Agenda 25th July Local News Article
Motion on Notice received from Councillor Morley
To consider the Motion on Notice received from Councillor Morley:
“This Council pledges to:
- Declare a climate emergency.
- Set up a Task Force, commencing by September 2019, to examine ways in which Babergh & Mid Suffolk Councils will respond to the climate change challenge on a spend to save basis, with the ambition to make Babergh & Mid Suffolk Councils carbon neutral by 2030.
- To work with partners across the county and region, including the LEP and the Public Sector Leaders, towards the aspiration of making the county of Suffolk carbon neutral by 2030.
- To work with Government to a) deliver its 25-year Environment Plan and b) increase the powers and resources available to local authorities in order to make the 2030 target easier to achieve.
Proposer: Councillor Suzie Morley
Seconder: Councillor Jessica Fleming