What do we need to do?
There are lots of things that the council are already doing to try and reduce our carbon emissions, such as reducing our energy use, generating solar power and trying to encourage electric cars.
However, these things on their own are not enough to tackle the Climate Emergency. New initiatives are required to make a difference across all communities and citizens in Monmouthshire – it’s about how we travel, live, eat, produce our food, shop and how we are inextricably linked to our environment. This all needs to work whilst balancing the needs of enterprise and supporting our rural/agricultural economy now and in the future.
Plans are underway to meet our target to reduce council carbon emissions to zero by 2030. During summer 2019, council officers worked to develop an action plan and strategy to set out how we plan to do this. This action plan was adopted by Council in October 2019 and focuses on energy, transport, green spaces, waste and procurement.