(b) Motion proposed by Cllr Charlotte Cupit and amended by the Lib Dems:-
“This Council notes that climate change is one of the biggest threats facing our world and recognises that changing human behaviour to confront the danger to our planet and secure a sustainable, healthy and prosperous environment for us and for future generations to continue to enjoy. To confirm our
commitment to this challenge, this Council declares a climate and ecological emergency.
In recognising this urgency for change and to lead the way with positive action
for the transformation of our District and wider area, this Council therefore
resolves to:-
 Adopt a Climate Change Action Strategy with immediate effect that includes action planning.
 Adopt all targets set out in the Council Climate Change Action Plan and achieve at least an 80%, while aiming to achieve a 100%, reduction in our net carbon emissions by 2030.
 Implement a monitoring system and reporting mechanisms as set out in the Climate Change Plan, and establish a Climate Change Council SubGroup of cross-party membership (chaired by the Council’s Climate Change Portfolio Holder), which will also consider all necessary future actions as required.
 Promote and embed sustainable and energy efficient practices, buildings, workplaces and transport across our organisation and services with the target of 100% clean energy by 2030.
 Continue to harness our Streetscene Teams and planning processes to protect and enhance our natural environment, stimulate biodiversity and nurture our wildlife and pollinators.
 Introduce a communication strategy, organise community action events, establish ‘Climate Change Schools’ conferences, and work with our partners, businesses, schools, communities and other Councils to promote behavioural change, and develop new ideas and co-ordinated responses to climate change and plastic pollution.
In accepting the above initial steps, this Council also endorses the ongoing close review of, and a dynamic approach to, our climate change strategy to capitalise on new opportunities and technologies, and thereby continue to influence and inspire positive change in the local and wider areas”.