It was proposed by Cllr K Ward, seconded by Cllr N Lloyd and
RESOLVED (Link to minutes)
1. Declare a Climate Emergency;
2. Engage and work in partnership with our partners in the public, private and community
sectors, including central government to facilitate bold action to ensure North Norfolk is
able to play its role in helping the UK to deliver against the commitments made
nationally and internationally at the 2015 Paris Summit;
3. Prepare an Environmental Sustainability & Climate Change Strategy in line with this
pledge, and, with our partners across the community, to develop an action plan and
‘route map’ to a sustainable, low carbon future for our community;
4. Launch engagement with the public to:
 Improve “carbon literacy” of all citizens;
 Encourage and support leadership on this issue in all sectors of society;
 Obtain meaningful public input into the North Norfolk Environmental Sustainability &
 Change Strategy and action planning;
 Facilitate wide community engagement and behavioural change