We understand that both of the following motions were passed:

Notice of Motion 2 by Councillors McCartin and Andy Doig
“Climate Emergency

This council believes that:

1. All governments have a duty to limit the negative impacts of Climate Breakdown, and local government recognises it cannot and should not wait for national government to act.

2. It is important for the residents of Renfrewshire that the council and other public authorities commit to reducing CO2 eq emissions and work towards carbon neutrality as quickly as possible;

3. Bold climate action can deliver economic benefits by way of new jobs, economic savings, market opportunities and improved well-being.

This council agrees to:

1. Declare a ‘Climate Emergency’;

2. Pledge to work proactively with others to make Renfrewshire carbon neutral by 2030, taking into account both production and consumption emissions;

3. Continue to work with partners and community groups across Renfrewshire to deliver this new goal through all relevant strategies and plans;

4. Assist communities to become more resilient to the impacts of global warming, particularly to flooding and to drought

5. Ensure that all reports in preparation for the 2020/21 budget will take into account the actions the council will take to address this emergency;

6. Report to Full Council before the end of 2019 with the actions the Council has, and will take, to address this emergency.”

Notice of Motion 5 by Councillors Adam-McGregor and Don
“Environment and Climate Emergency

The Scottish Government on 14 May 2019 declared that there is a global climate emergency. The evidence is irrefutable and the science is clear.

We all have a part to play: Government, councils, individuals, communities, businesses, other organisations. It is not too late to turn things around.

Council therefore agrees

1. To recognise that there is an environment and climate emergency;

2. That this emergency could impact on all areas of Council policy;

3. That a cross party working group is established to examine in detail what actions could be taken to address this emergency;

4. That officers begin, without delay, to prepare options for the working group to consider.”