Extract from Corporate Strategy

Ambition 4 – To protect and enhance the existing environmental quality of our area
Our ambition is to protect the local environment, parts of which rank amongst the finest in England. The Council provides a high quality environment, including safe, clean parks and open spaces.
The Council is very proud of its weekly refuse collection service.
Our objectives:
 To conserve our countryside, the natural beauty of the area and enhance our built environment
 To retain weekly collections of residual waste
 To provide a high quality environment, keeping land clear of litter and refuse, and reducing the incidents of dog fouling
 To be an environmentally sustainable area, prepared for the future
 To aspire to be a carbon neutral borough by 2030
Our short-term priority actions:
 To provide an economic, efficient and effective waste collection service
 To continue with our approach of zero tolerance of dog fouling, litter and fly tipping
 To deliver a waste and responsible dog ownership education and awareness programme
 To develop an action plan to work towards being a carbon neutral borough by 2030 which is based on a better understanding of our current carbon emissions
 To install electric charging points on Council owned car parks
 To eliminate wherever possible single use plastics within the Council and to share good practice and
raise awareness around single use plastic usage and avoidance
 To reduce the use of paper wherever possible
 To undertake Landscape Character Assessments to support the Local Plan update and incorporate
suitable planning policies in respect of Green Infrastructure
 To support the work of the Forest of Bowland AONB
Our medium-term priority actions:
 To take available opportunities to recycle
 To use energy from renewable sources more efficiently
 To respond to the Government consultation paper on recycling
Our key measures of success:
 Energy consumption of local authority property/ CO2 reduction from local authority operations
 Percentage of residents satisfied with parks and open spaces
 Percentage of residents satisfied with green space
 Percentage of residents satisfied with the cleanliness of the borough
 Percentage of residents satisfied with the waste and recycling collection services
 Percentage of waste sent for reuse, recycling and composting
 Cost savings of a reduction in paper usage and printing