The draft Climate Change Strategy sets out how we aim to reduce our own carbon footprint. Residents were asked for their feedback from September to October. The feedback from the consultation is currently being evaluated and an amended strategy will be published later in 2019.

The draft strategy is split into five key themes:

Our air: Improving local air quality

Our nature: Green infrastructure and biodiversity

Our waste: Waste and plastics and the circular economy

Our water: Water management and floor abatement

Our legacy: Climate change mitigation and energy efficiency

The draft strategy aims to show how we will:

  • Reduce emissions from our own buildings and operations
  • Reduce energy consumption and emissions by promoting energy efficiency measures, sustainable construction, renewable energy sources, and behaviour change
  • Reduce emissions from transport by promoting sustainable transport, reducing car travel and traffic congestion and encouraging behaviour change
  • Reduce consumption of resources
  • Increase recycling and reducing waste
  • Support council services, residents and businesses to adapt to the impacts of climate change

View the draft Climate Change Strategy (pdf, 7.9 MB)