Ryedale District Council declared a Climate Emergency on 10 October 2019 (minute 51a refers) and made a commitment to actions to help achieve net zero emissions across Ryedale by 2015. We are doing this by delivering the Climate Change Action Plan.
The climate change commitment (PDF, 1 page, 5Mb)
On 11 April 2019 Council adopted the Scrutiny Review recommendations into how Ryedale District Council can contribute towards the reduction in Global Temperature Rise.
Scrutiny Review – Climate Change: Recommendations into how Ryedale District Council can contribute towards the reduction in global temperature rise (PDF, 9 pages, kb)
Around a third of the UK’s CO2 emissions come from the energy used for heating, lighting and appliances. Often, this energy is not being used efficiently, so there is huge scope for householders and businesses to alter this. Energy efficiency gives greater environmental benefits but will also save you money in the long run.
There is advice and information available to minimise the risk of fuel poverty, plus how we can improve our energy efficiency at home.