Cabinet recommends to Council that:
1. South Kesteven District Council declares a ‘climate emergency’.
2. In response to this, that Council:
a. Confirms the political ambition to reduce the organisation’s carbon footprint by 2030
and to become net-zero carbon by 2050. This encompasses the Council’s wholly
owned companies.
b. Recognises the importance of the much more far-reaching impact of the Council’s
community leadership role to reduce South Kesteven’s carbon footprint (eg
residents, businesses, other public sector organisations, visitors/commuters, etc).
c. Requests the Interim Chief Executive to establish a ‘Climate Change Action’ task and
finish group to:
i. identify how the Council’s activities can work towards being net-zero carbon;
ii. consider the latest climate science and expert advice on solutions;
iii. consider systematically the climate change impact of each area of the
Council’s activities;
iv. establish any budgetary implications; and
v. liaise with the Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee and report initial
findings to the Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee in spring 2020.
d. Allocate up to £50,000 to enable external advice and the recruitment of a Climate
Change Officer with the agreement of the Environment Overview and Scrutiny
Committee, to drive forward the Council’s ambition to be net-zero carbon, as
supported by the Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee.

Copy of Report & Motion here