From the Printed Minutes:

The following Notice of Motion was moved by Councillor Uddin and seconded by
Councillor Clarke:
Tackling the Climate Change Emergency
This council notes:
That the impacts of climate breakdown are already causing damaging effects across the
That the contents of the ‘Special Report on Global Warming’ published by the
intergovernmental panel on Climate Change in October 2018 wherein they outline the
enormous harm that a 2⁰C rise in global temperature is likely to cause compared with a
1.5⁰C rise. Nevertheless, they say that with ambitious action, it may be possible to limit
global warming to the 1.5⁰C rise.
That the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority has set out how it plans to tackle the
Climate Emergency and approved the development of a full climate action plan by
December 2019.
Given that it is Liverpool City Region’s ‘Year of the Environment’ and that the UK has
contributed significantly to global warming, this council commits to:
Aiming to be zero-carbon by 2040.
Taking action towards increasing recycling and reducing landfill waste.
Achieve 100% clean energy across the Council’s full range of functions by 2040.
Ensure that all decisions, budgets, and approaches to planning decisions are balanced
and in line with achieving the zero-carbon target.
Request that scrutiny panels consider the impact of climate change and the
environment when reviewing council policies.
Ensure that all reports in preparation for the 2020/21 budget cycle and investment
strategy will take into account the actions the council will take to address this
Call on the UK Government to provide the powers, resources and help with funding to
make this possible.
Consider other actions that could be implemented, including (but not restricted to):
renewable energy generation and storage, providing electric vehicle infrastructure and
encouraging alternatives to private car use, increasing the efficiency of buildings, in
particular to address fuel poverty; proactively using local planning powers to accelerate
the delivery of net carbon new developments and communities, coordinating a series of
information and training events to raise awareness and share good practice.
* Resolved that the Motion be approved.