The following motion (amended from original, was carried):
RESOLVED:- that the Council agree to:-
(a) Join other Councils in declaring a Climate Emergency
and work towards achieving our vision pf carbon
neutrality by 2040;
(b) Continue to concentrate on activities that reduce
emissions from its own activities and will work
towards carbon neutrality by 2040;
(c) Call on the Government to provide the powers and
resources to make the 2040 target possible.
(d) Work with other elected bodies (both within the UK
and internationally) to determine best practice
methods to limit Global Warming to less than 1.5°c
and consider how this could be addressed through
the Local Plan process;
(e) Continue to work with partners across the Borough to
deliver this goal through all relevant strategies, plans
and initiatives;
(f) Explore through the Local Plan process, the
expansion of community energy with a view to
keeping the benefits of our local energy generation in
our local economy;
(g) Report progress to scrutiny at the appropriate time to
include a report within 12 months as to the actions
the Council has taken and proposes to take;
(h) Encourage elected Members to work with their
communities and local business enterprises and
empower them to;
• Sign up to the Climate Emergency pledge;
• Take action that helps to improve the
sustainability of their neighbourhoods, the
health and wellbeing of residents and the
energy efficiency of community and domestic