Check our database for the latest council climate action plan

The following motion, proposed by Councillor Juned (Lib Dem) and seconded by Councillor Fitter (Conservative), was passed with 35/36 votes (one abstention), and with an amendment from Cllr. John Riley (Green)

Part 1

This Council notes:

  • The recent reports from the IPCC ‘Special Report on Global Warming’ (2018); the CCC report ‘Net Zero – the UK’s contribution to stopping global warming’ (May 2019);
  • That human activities are changing our planet and the need for everyone to take action on climate change is more urgent and immediate than ever;
  • That not meeting the UK’s targets will have a negative impact on our residents whilst measures to combat climate change can have significant benefits;
  • That local government has a role to play in responding to climate change, both through their own practices and policies, and through leadership and facilitation;
  • That 60 councils across the UK have declared a climate emergency (as has the UK parliament) and committed to radical action to combat climate change;
  • That Stratford upon Avon’s position as an international tourist destination puts us in a position to exercise a leading influence around the world.

Therefore, the Council is requested to declare a ‘Climate Emergency’ as a pledge to take local action to contribute to national carbon neutral targets through the development of their own practices and policies, with the aim to be carbon neutral by 2030. (amendment)

Part 2

In addition Council calls on The Cabinet to:

  • Ask the Overview and Scrutiny Committee (OSC) to convene a task and finish working group to consult with and invite input from representatives of local environmental groups, residents and businesses, and report back to The Cabinet and Council by January 2020 on the following areas:

(i)        the effectiveness of the current activities undertaken by the Council to combat climate change;

(ii)      how all council policy proposals could best consider the impacts of climate change and the mitigation and adaptation measures required;

(iii)     a critical analysis of what additional actions the Council could take to contribute to national carbon neutral targets, and;

(iv)     what adaptation measures the Council may need to put in place as climate change worsens;

(v)      how the Council could best engage residents on the severity of the Climate Emergency, and the ways the Council could help facilitate local people and businesses to take independent action;

(vi)     how the Council could work with local and regional organisations and environmental groups to raise awareness and combat climate change;

(vii)    the changes in national regulations and policies that may be needed, so that Council could, where required, call on Westminster to provide the powers and resources needed.