To consider the following motion submitted under Standing Order 7(A) to be proposed
by Councillor Botten:
Tandridge District Council recognises that:
 The consequences of global temperatures rising above 1.5 degree Celsius are so severe
that preventing this from happening must be humanity’s priority.
 All governments (national, regional and local) have a duty to limit the negative impacts of
an increasingly erratic climate and biodiversity loss.
 It is important that all organisations commit to carbon neutrality, as soon as possible.
 Bold action to mitigate changes in climate can deliver economic benefits, for example new
jobs, savings and market opportunities, as well as improved personal, social and
environmental well-being, for people locally and world-wide.

Council therefore resolves to:
(i) Declare a Climate Emergency.
(ii) Establish its own Climate Change Action Plan, with targets to cut its environmental impact
and steps to become carbon neutral by 2030. To achieve this, the council officers will
report on what the council is already doing and can do to reduce its carbon footprint.
(iii) Work with other councils in the South East which have declared a climate emergency to
ensure co-ordinated action to support the delivery of carbon neutral targets.
(iv) Ensure the targets include:
● ways to ensure the impact of climate change is considered in all planning applications
● the inclusion of residents, businesses and communities, including Parish Councils, in
preparing the action plan.
(v) Request the Strategy & Resources Committee to formally agree the Climate Change
Action Plan as soon as practicable which will be ratified by Full Council within the next 6
(vi) Arrange for the Climate Change Action Plan to be reviewed in full annually and updated
or amended, if required, to take account of changes in legislation, new best practice,
advances in technology or any other changes in circumstances
(vii) Arrange for regular updates on progress against the ratified plan to be brought to the
Strategy & Resources Committee.