Tewkesbury Borough Council continues to take action to tackle climate change as councillors declare a climate emergency.
At a meeting of full Council on Tuesday, 1 October, councillors supported a motion to:
Commit to doing all in its power to make Tewkesbury Borough Council offices carbon neutral by 2030.
Expand the remit of the existing Flood Risk Management Group to deal with climate change matters.
Call upon central government to provide additional powers and resources to support local and national action towards the 2030 target.
Commit to working with partners in Gloucestershire to achieve County-wide carbon neutrality aims.
Councillor Rob Bird, Leader of Tewkesbury Borough Council, said: “Tewkesbury Borough Council has worked hard to create more sustainable living and communities through our clean and green environment portfolio, a crucial part of our executive committee since 2007.
Working with the county council as it develops its climate change strategy for Gloucestershire, will give further impetus and our latest initiative demonstrates yet again how Tewkesbury Borough Council is focussed on the practical needs of the community we serve.”
Cllr Jim Mason, lead member for clean and green environment said “declaring a climate emergency gives us the catalyst for greater change. It provides another way to show our residents that we are doing everything in our power to reduce carbon emissions and become a carbon neutral organisation.”
Over the coming months the Flood Risk Management Group will work on devising an action plan detailing further actions the council will take to address this emergency. This will be reported back to Council in April 2020.