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RESOLVED: That the Notice of Motion (as amended) proposed by
Councillor N Heslop and seconded by Councillor R Betts (set out below)
be agreed:
1. The Borough Council’s recognition of global climate change and
biodiversity emergencies be declared;
2. Consideration be given to how the Borough Council can strengthen
local protection and enhance protection of species, habitats and
ecosystems under available powers;
3. Services and operations be reviewed to ensure Tonbridge and Malling
Borough Council has policies that support climate change mitigation, for
example the provision of electric charging points across the borough, so
that it is one of the most welcoming places in the country for driving
electric and hybrid vehicles;
4. An initial report be made to the Cabinet setting out how, in partnership
with other agencies, the Council will be making positive contributions to
combat climate change and a revised draft Climate Change Strategy
brought forward by May 2020 including deliverable performance
indicators and an aspiration for Tonbridge and Malling to be carbon
neutral by 2030

Extract from Minutes