Climate Emergency Action Plans for Unitary/Metropolitan Local Authorities
Posted by Climate Emergency UK on Monday, 1 June 2020
Climate Emergency Action Plans for Unitary/Metropolitan Local Authorities
Posted by Climate Emergency UK on Monday, 1 June 2020
Please post your comments here.
The ‘action plans’ I’ve seen are generally strategy docs rather than SMART plans. Is the % with action plans just stated meaningful?
Gov data is 2 years, at least behind. How can targets be checked annually?
I’m seeing more and more LAs which are taking carbon impacts into account formally in council reports and reports to cabinet, and in business cases. There is a range of approaches to financial appraisal – decision wheels/lifecycle costs and the traditional cost-benefit analysis within the Treasury Green Book approach. County Councils were less likely to take carbon impacts into account I found. How are local authorities supported to make lower carbon/net zero aligned decisions in a financially constrained context? Does CIPFA pick this up? Is a common approach needed?