Check our database for the latest council climate action plan

Notices of Motion
(a) Councillor Cullinan to propose, Councillor Weber to second the following
That the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change have
warned that we have 12 years to make the necessary changes to limit a rise
in global temperatures to 1.5oC.
Failure to act will see a marked increase in sea levels and flooding, extreme
and abrupt changes to weather patterns, crop failures, extinctions of plant,
insect and animal species and global economic disruption and crisis. The
significantly high levels of atmospheric pollution experienced locally
highlight why this is such an important issue for Warwick District Council to
respond to.
At the Global Climate Talks in Poland last December the UK along with over
200 nations agreed action on climate change with a much greater role
strongly implied for local and regional authorities like Warwick District
Council in assisting governments to achieve their carbon emission savings.
This Council therefore, Declares a Climate Emergency; and
(1) requests that the Executive set up a Warwick District Climate Task &
Finish Group to respond to this challenge;
(2) requests that the Executive through this Group sets a target and action
plan for Warwick District Council to be carbon neutral in collaboration
with our County Council partners;
(3) resolves to work with Warwickshire County Council, town and parish
councils and any other appropriate authorities and organisations on
carbon reduction projects to ensure the UK is able to deliver on its
climate commitments; and
(4) calls on the Government to provide the resources and powers so that
Warwick District Council can make its contribution to the UK’s Carbon
Reduction targets.
(b) that Councillor Roberts to propose and Councillor Davison to second the
following Motion.
That Warwick District Council accepts the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change’s conclusion that global warming above1.5ºC greatly
increases climate change risks such as extreme weather, diseases
spreading, species extinction and poverty in Africa and Asia; and that
“ambitious action from national and sub-national authorities, civil society,
the private sector, indigenous peoples and local communities can support
the implementation of ambitious actions implied by limiting global warming
to 1.5ºC”.
This Council declares a ‘Climate Emergency’ because of the significant and
urgent action needed; consequently, Warwick District Council commits to:
(1) Becoming a net-zero carbon organisation, including contracted out
services, by 2025 in terms of scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions.
(2) Building to Passivhaus standards and following the UK Green Building
Council framework for net zero carbon buildings by 2025, so that all
new Warwick District Council buildings and Council housing will be net
zero carbon thereafter.
(3) Retrofitting all council properties, particularly council houses, using
recognised design and construction practices and performance-in-use
monitoring to the Energiesprong standard or equivalent by 2030.
(4) Using all planning means available to ensure that all new houses are as
close to zero carbon as is feasible within the current regulations; this
includes vigorous performance-in-use testing.
(5) Requiring all District Council decisions relating to transport to facilitate
a 50% reduction in vehicle emissions within the four towns in the
district by reducing vehicle use and increasing use of electric vehicles.
(6) Ensuring that every policy proposal brought to Executive and/ or full
Council considers the impact on climate change – both in terms of
adaptation and mitigation.
(7) Facilitating decarbonisation by local businesses, other organisations
and residents so that total carbon emissions within Warwick District are
as close to zero as possible by 2030.
(8) Working with other local councils to lobby central government to halve
UK carbon emissions from transport and buildings by 2030, including
by funding and changing regulation to help address the above points.
(9) Engaging with and listening to young people including members of the
Warwickshire Youth Parliament regarding approaches to tackling the
climate emergency.
(10) Producing within six months an action plan to implement these