It was moved by Cllr M Davies and seconded by Cllr D K A Sellis:

“That West Devon Borough Council recognises that we have a ‘Climate Emergency’ and that urgent steps need to be taken to address all matters within the Borough which may affect climate change.

That this Council recognises that the crisis is both global and local and that Local Government has a role to play in promoting environmentally friendly policies.  To this end, it is recommended that a Working Group be established with cross-group membership to be decided by the Leader of this Council, in discussion with other political groupings.  To report back within three months with initial recommendations.”

Cllr Davies introduced the motion and made reference to:-

–        the significance and importance of the Climate Change agenda;

–        50% of current black bag waste in the Borough being recyclable.  Cllr Davies emphasised that the Council must act to reduce this statistic;

–        the need for the Council to be brave and outward facing in this respect; and

–        the views of schoolchildren.  During his Mayoral year, he had visited each of the Primary Schools in the Borough and, at these visits, he was questioned on numerous occasions on what steps the Council was taking to increase its recycling rates and reduce the use of plastic.

During the subsequent debate, the following points were raised:-

(a)   The seconder expressed her support for the motion and informed that Devon County Council had already approved a motion to declare a Climate Change Emergency.  As a consequence, the seconder felt that the Council needed to embrace the Climate Change agenda and work in partnership with other local authorities and agencies for the benefit of the environment;

(b)   An amendment was moved and seconded to read as follows:

“That West Devon Borough Council recognises that we have a ‘Climate Change and BiodiversityEmergency’ and that urgent steps need to be taken to address all matters within the Borough which may affect climate change and habitat loss.

That this Council recognises that the crisis is both global and local and that Local Government has a role to play in promoting environmentally friendly policies.  To this end, it is recommended that a Working Group be established with cross-group membership to be decided by the Leader of this Council, in discussion with other political groupings.  To report back within three months with initial recommendations.”

In support of his amendment, the proposer advised that this matter had proven to be a real doorstep issue prior to the recent elections.  The Member made reference to recent publications and stated that, whilst the population was estimated to have doubled in the last 100 years, the wildlife population had decreased.  As a result, there had been a negative human effect on the global ecosystem and he felt it to be important for this to be incorporated into the original motion.

Since both the proposer and seconder of the original motion expressed their support for this amendment, it was therefore included in the substantive motion.

Upon being submitted to the Meeting, it was declared to be CARRIED and ”RESOLVED that:

West Devon Borough Council recognises that we have a ‘Climate Change and Biodiversity Emergency’ and that urgent steps need to be taken to address all matters within the Borough which may affect climate change and habitat loss.

That this Council recognises that the crisis is both global and local and that Local Government has a role to play in promoting environmentally friendly policies.  To this end, it is recommended that a Working Group be established with cross-group membership to be decided by the Leader of this Council, in discussion with other political groupings.  To report back within three months with initial recommendations.”

Copy of Minutes