Unitary Council Action Plans



Maldon district councillors have agreed to adopt a Climate Emergency Statement. At a meeting of the full council tonight (Thursday, 4 February) the “statement of intent” was agreed by assent (by all councillors). The move is not unusual – many other local authorities...

Climate Change Policy Intern

  Summary With the intensifying climate crisis and lacklustre international agreements and national government responses, Local Authorities are ideally placed to be leaders in responding to the climate emergency. Climate Emergency UK exists to support local...

The Greening Campaign

The Greening Campaign

The Greening Campaign believes that local Councils such as Town and Parish/Wards and Associations, are the most important link to tackling Climate Change!  You know your communities and you are in a legitimate position to be able to guide change.  You are also...

New Tools to Develop Action Plans

New Tools to Develop Action Plans

The launch two new tools to help local authorities develop the best possible Climate Emergency Action Plans. Susanna Dart and Kevin Frea from Climate Emergency UK have been working with Friends of the Earth, the Centre for Alternative Technology and Ashden on a...

Carbon Literacy Training

Carbon Literacy Training

Phil Brennan from APSE and Rachel Coxcoon from the Centre for Sustainable Energy look at the value and practicalities of delivering Carbon Literacy Training for Councillors, staff and residents. The Carbon Literacy Project offers everyone a day’s worth of Carbon...

Community Led Housing

Community Led Housing

Community led housing is a growing movement of ordinary people taking action and managing housing projects that build the decent and affordable homes that the country so desperately needs. Anyone can start, volunteer and deliver a community led housing project. You...

The Role of Planning

The Role of Planning

Diane Neville, Senior Planning Policy Officer from Lancaster City Council talked about their current Local Plan Review to address the climate emergency. Diane works as a Principal Planning Policy Officer at Lancaster City Council within the Planning Policy and Housing...

Travel & Emissions

Travel & Emissions

Elliott Grimshaw & Robert Boschi from Lancaster City Council talked about purchasing electric vehicles to decarbonise staff travel and making them available to residents via Co-wheels car club out of hours. Andrew Simms from Rapid Transition Alliance talked about Low...

Making the most of the green recovery: 14 November

Making the most of the green recovery: 14 November

Where are we on building a sustainable, resilient and healthy post COVID-19 world for people and nature? About this Event With calls for ‘Build Back Better’ and the release of the World Wildlife Fund’s latest ‘Living Planet’ report in September, highlighting the...

Taking Action Together: Conference 13th November

Taking Action Together: Conference 13th November

[tt-event url='https://www.tickettailor.com/all-tickets/climateemergencyuk/ref/website_widget/' minimal='false' bg_fill='true' show_logo='true' ] Has your organisation declared a Climate (and Ecological) Emergency, committing to radically reduce its emissions and...

Scottish Borders

The Council have delared a Climate Emergency. This Report from the Chief Executive was adpoted. The following was agreed: It is recommended that Council:(a) Recognises and declares a Climate Emergency; and(b) Agrees:i. as soon as possible, to set a target for...

Blaenau Gwent

Blaenau Gwent

Extract from Council Minutes: "DECARBONISATION PLAN 2020-2030Members considered the report of the Managing Director.The Executive Member – Regeneration & Economic Developmentproposed that Option 1 be endorsed with addendum that theCouncil declare a climate...



Motion unanimously passed at Council Meeting: "In April, 2019, the Welsh Government Minister for the Environment, Energy and Rural Affairs, Lesley Griffiths, AM, declared a climate emergency in Wales.Gwynedd County Council have already followed WAG and declared along...

Citizen’s Assemblies/Jurys

Citizen’s Assemblies/Jurys

https://www.facebook.com/climateemergency/videos/629893401068204/ There’s now a fair bit of experience with citizens assemblies or juries, in a range of formats, nationally and more locally based. What have we learned? Here’s one recent summary of how to do it from...

Climate Emergency – online Community Engagement

Climate Emergency – online Community Engagement

1pm July 6th 2020. What tools and strategies are the most effective in engaging with citizens on issues especially relating to climate change?
The Covid-19 crisis has moved meetings and conversations online. The future is likely to include a mix of in person and online communication. What tools and strategies are the most effective in engaging with citizens?
Speakers: Lora Botev, CitizenLab A citizen engagement platform for local governments.
Louise Crow, My Society Digital Tools for democratic participation
Other speakers tbc

Climate Change Citizen Assemblies & Juries

Climate Change Citizen Assemblies & Juries

1pm 29th June
A number of Councils, and the UK Parliament, have held Citizen Assemblies or Juries to address the Climate Emergency.
Speakers: Peter Bryant, Director Shared Future Citizen Juries & Climate Change Peter has led Citizen Juries at Leeds and Lancaster.
Professor Rebecca Willis, Expert Lead Climate Assembly UK The Democratic Challenge of Climate Change
Louise Crow, My Society ‘Our experience supporting the recent UK Climate Assembly for Parliament, and wider research into the use of digital tools for supporting citizen assemblies.’
A Council/participants perspective tba

Action Plan ideas

The government must support a resilient recovery and a just transition to Net Zero emissions as the UK emerges from Covid19. Chris Stark CEO of the government Committee for Climate Change in an online event organised by the Green Alliance said that lower fossil fuel...

Thriving Cities Initiative

Thriving Cities Initiative

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9VfEmILp4Wo The Amsterdam City Doughnut - A Tool for Transformative Action Thriving Cities Our zoom meet-up back on May 11 heard from Julia Lipton of C40 Cities, all the way from lockdown in Australia, on how doughnut economics relates...



Ceredigion County Council has declared a global climate emergency in a Council meeting on 05 March 2020. The Council has already committed to making Ceredigion a net zero carbon local authority by 2030, and to develop a clear plan for a pathway that will lead to a net...



TAMESIDE COUNCIL agrees to, Declare a ‘Climate Emergency’ that requires urgent action. To continue to build on the work of the Tameside 2018 Green Summit. Make the Council’s operations net-zero carbon in line with the GM commitment to do so by 2038.— Tameside...

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