Last night the action plan was approved by Finance and Corporate Resources Overview and Scrutiny Committee (FCROSC) and it will now go before the Council’s Executive later this month for final sign off.

The action plan, set to be developed year on year, details all the ways in which the council will contribute to tackling climate change in the borough.

The approval of the plan marks significant progress in the council’s roadmap to becoming a carbon neutral organisation by 2030.

The action plan sets out a number of key themes including energy efficiency, air quality, water management, urban greening and open spaces, planning and sustainable development, waste management, and sustainable transport.

Councillor Rory O’Broin, cabinet member for finance and corporate resources, is leading the climate change work in Wandsworth.

He said: “We are thrilled to have the action plan approved and we are now ready to get implementation underway.”

The action plan has a number of important targets including increasing tree planting in the borough, purchasing a low emission fleet, as well as launching a comprehensive training programme for staff on carbon literacy.

Cllr O’Broin said: “Getting the £5 million to be allocated to projects which support our overall environmental strategy approved was a real win.

“We know that kind of money can make a real difference to the delivery of our strategy and it demonstrates the council’s commitment to fighting the climate emergency we are facing and reaching our goal of becoming a carbon neutral organisation by 2030.

“The action plan is twofold, it not only works to reduce carbon emissions and fight the overarching challenge of climate change but tackling issues such as air quality, water and transport will also help to improve the daily lives of our community and make it a healthier and safer place to live.”

However, the council acknowledges that the action plan is only a starting point and for its aspirations to be successful it needs community input and participation.

The action plan emphasises an increase in community engagement and to work with the others from across Wandsworth on building a greener and more sustainable borough.

Cllr O’Broin said: “”It was really positive to see so many resident and community groups when the action plan was discussed at the Town Hall last night – and great to hear a sharing of ideas and joint working in progress.

“I am particularly keen that we work closely with young people. We have met with the Youth Council and have taken their feedback on our action plan as well as exploring ways in which we can work together and provide them with a larger platform to have their voices heard.”

He added: “We all have a responsibility when it comes to climate change, and the council looks forward to working with you to making Wandsworth the greenest inner London borough.”

Today’s news coincides with two positive updates from the Nine Elms regeneration scheme including funding being approved for the creation of a business low emission neighbourhood over three years and the progression of a District Heating Network, providing a green, low carbon infrastructure project for Nine Elms.

You can read more about these schemes on the council’s news pages.

· The full action plan has been published on