The Greening Campaign
The Greening Campaign believes that local Councils such as Town and Parish/Wards and Associations, are the most important link to tackling Climate Change! You know your communities and you are in a legitimate position to be able to guide change. You are also...
New Tools to Develop Action Plans
The launch two new tools to help local authorities develop the best possible Climate Emergency Action Plans. Susanna Dart and Kevin Frea from Climate Emergency UK have been working with Friends of the Earth, the Centre for Alternative Technology and Ashden on a...
The Transformative potential of urban greening and food growing
Speakers: Dr Lingxuan Liu, Lancaster University. Facilitators:Dr Bethan Mead, Liverpool UniversityDr Sofia Kourmpetli, Cranfield UniversityDr Natalia Falagán, Cranfield University Session agenda 11:45-11:55: Short presentation by Dr Lingxuan Liu 11:55-12:15: The...
Carbon Literacy Training
Phil Brennan from APSE and Rachel Coxcoon from the Centre for Sustainable Energy look at the value and practicalities of delivering Carbon Literacy Training for Councillors, staff and residents. The Carbon Literacy Project offers everyone a day’s worth of Carbon...
Retrofit & Green Homes Grant
The speakers include Jonathan Aitkinson from the Carbon Coop and James Sommerville from Agility Eco (based in Morecambe) Carbon Co-op is an energy services and advocacy co-operative that helps people and communities to make the radical reductions in home carbon...
Community Led Housing
Community led housing is a growing movement of ordinary people taking action and managing housing projects that build the decent and affordable homes that the country so desperately needs. Anyone can start, volunteer and deliver a community led housing project. You...
The Role of Planning
Diane Neville, Senior Planning Policy Officer from Lancaster City Council talked about their current Local Plan Review to address the climate emergency. Diane works as a Principal Planning Policy Officer at Lancaster City Council within the Planning Policy and...
Travel & Emissions
Elliott Grimshaw & Robert Boschi from Lancaster City Council talked about purchasing electric vehicles to decarbonise staff travel and making them available to residents via Co-wheels car club out of hours. Andrew Simms from Rapid Transition Alliance talked about...