It was agreed on the proposal of Councillor Enright,
seconded by Councillor Brown that this Council
declares a ‘Climate Change Emergency’ and directs
management to effect dramatic short-term changes in
every area under its control. All Council departments
need to reflect this emergency with immediate and
concrete steps. Every plan or target that Council
produces needs to have concrete measures to reflect
this emergency. That every officer’s report brought
to council for decision or noting has a section which
must be completed headed ‘implications for
environment and sustainability’ akin to the Council’s
section on equality and good relations. Every
external body or agency that Council influences or
directs need to be preparing for 2030 and this will
extend to the general public also through the
planning and building control processes. Council
should follow best practise from across Europe to
mitigate the impacts of Climate Change. Furthermore
Council shall convene a symposium to assist and
develop in an action plan to mitigate the impacts of
Climate Change.’’